Friday, December 5, 2008

Today you will take a quick quiz in Achievement Series. And then you will have a chance to relax and play a bit.

To take the quiz go to:

You have been assigned an assessment randomly. You will need to try both codes of the fallowing codes to access the quiz.


When you are done, follow this link. Play the game a couple of times and then return to this site and explain your winning and/or losing stratagies. Have fun! ;-)


Anonymous said...

JK per. 2 12/5/08

Don’t keep repeating what you are moving. Try different moves at random until you see at least 2 numbers together that belong together. Once you have those two numbers together, try moving the two numbers at the same time, not separating them until they reach where they have to be. Repeat until you get bored with losing.

Anonymous said...

CH- The strategy i used was to move the tiles in circles of various sizes. By moving them in this way you can then reverse the direction of the circle and change the sizes of the circles.

Anonymous said...

I had a losing strategy to the Fifteen Puzzle game... My strategy was to just keep push the squares around until the nuber i wanted was in the correct place. I almost had it solve but then the order looked like this

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
15 14 13

Then I got mad and hit the scrable button.

Anonymous said...


While doing the puzzles I changed the way you can organize the numbers. On doing that I found out the easiest one to figure out to do first. When I figured out the way they were suppose to be organized I tried putting the numbers in the right area. I then put the numbers in the correct order so that they were the same way as the example. In doing this I got all the numbers in the right spot and won!
When I first did the puzzle I could not figure out a strategy to win but after doing it a while I still couldn’t get it and scrambled. When I did that I picked a pattern that had the most spots where the numbers were already placed. In doing that I figured out my strategy above. Place them in the correct area and then arrange the numbers into the correct order and by doing that you will win!

Anonymous said...

Throughout my playing of this puzzle, i could not win once. I could get three of four squares in a row, but i could never get the fourth one in! The way I got the squares I did get in was by going around the one I needed moved with the little blank spot, then moving the square.
I'm sure if I had more time to work on it, I would be able to figure it out, but in the time alotted, I could not.

Anonymous said...


You can solve this puzzle but using circular motions in the numbers to get them in place.

Loosing is of course just randomly clicking. It might be a good idea to move quickly though at first, to try and get the idea in your head of where to move the pieces.

Anonymous said...

When I first started playing I was completely stuck. I chose some other patterns that seemed easier. Once I got it the first time I realized that if you group close numbers together it is easier to move them into place. A losing strategy is to pick the impossible patterns and to just click around. It also helped to scramble if you get stuck.

Anonymous said...


This game I think is very frustrating. I lost all of my games at first. My first strategy was to focus on one number to put in its correct spot. Once I would be ALMOST done with the puzzle i’d have to move another tile and that would affect my whole puzzle misplacing everything. Even the slightest rearrangement would make it that at least two tiles would be messed up making it impossible to change making the pattern to match the one in the side column. I did not win one single game. 

Anonymous said...

MG-The startegy for the fifteen puzzle is to plan ahead and to have the number you want in the spot two over. Theen you keep moving the numbers around till you get them in line. Once you have half of it solved it gets really hard. You do the same plan as before but sideways. The losing startegy is just clicking random pieces.

Anonymous said...

For this game, the fifteen puzzle game, I had a few problems I couldn’t really figure out a way to solve. I thought that if I started at the top and try to get my way down I’d be able to solve it, but it didn’t really work! Then I tried working backwards and start at the bottom, but it also didn’t work! I then thought to myself, maybe I should do row by row, but that also didn’t work….. All these things could have worked for someone else, but not for me. I may also have been moving the wrong squares at the wrong time. These are just a few of my LOSING strategies! 
Another losing strategy is just to mess around with the squares and not try to make a pattern. Lol!

Anonymous said...

My winning strategy was putting the numbers in order in different rows then once they were order I’d put them in the rows they were supposed to be in.

Anonymous said...

When first trying to find a way to figure out a way to get all the puzzles solved, it was kind of hard. I was trying out many different ways. One of the ways that wasn’t working was when I was not moving the numbers that I had already put in place. In order to put many of the numbers on the puzzle where they are supposed to be, you have to some. A way that works is to use a sort of box motion to move the numbers into place. If you get stuck on one, you can just press the scramble button.

Anonymous said...

I was never able to win the puzzle. I would be super close to finishing the game and then I would get stuck. After I got stuck, I wasn’t able to continue. I tried again and again, and it would just mess up the whole thing. I obviously do not have any winning strategies but what I would say that you should pick a pattern that seems easy. If that doesn’t work, then move the numbers around and then you might end up with a specific pattern.

Anonymous said...


My strategy was to keep moving the numbers around in a circle and when something needed to be in a certain spot I would move it somewhere else then arrange the cubes so I could put that number in its space and put another number in its space at the same time.

Anonymous said...


I was never able to win the puzzle, but when I finished playing I concluded that if I get almost the whole puzzle done and I have one or two numbers that are stuck I have to undo all the progress I have made to make those two numbers fit. I found that the best way to win this game is to not pick a specific pattern before you start you just have to move the numbers around and pick the best pattern for your arrangement. I also think that you have to keep the numbers around the location where you want to move them so you won’t have the pattern almost done and then a number that you need stuck in the corner.

Anonymous said...


The first puzzle I did was the right spiral from outside. My strategy was to keep all the numbers moving. To fit the last number in the row, I moved all the numbers ahead of it one space forward so I could easily fit it in the third space. Once it was in, I moved all the numbers back and tried it again with the next number. I won the game with this strategy.

The second puzzle I did was 1-15 horizontal. I used the same strategy as above for the last numbers of the row and I won again. To fit all the other numbers, I use a circular motion, moving the pieces around until the right number is in place. At the end, the last three numbers of the row were out of order so I had to use the row above to help me rearrange those numbers.

The third puzzle was vertical. I used the same strategy but it took me longer at the end trying to fix the last three numbers. This is because I wasn’t really paying attention when I was switching and mixing up the two rows to get them in order. But again, this strategy helped me win the game.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle NH

The strategy for this puzzle is to keep moving the numbers into a square like pattern, and if you get the numbers close together than you can move them into possecion right next to each other. I also learned that it doesn't matter if your numbers close to its possecion or not you just have to keep moving it do that area. A losing strategy is to click randomly or to scaramble the numbers repeatedly.

Anonymous said...

My losing strategies got me very far actually. The strategies of circling the number to switch with another number to got you into the different positions. Scrambling the numbers helps by giving you a better look and may give correct placements of numbers. It took a few times to finally get the victory. I would put incorrect numbers in places to change with the correct one. Clicking randomly help too visually see the places where one number can go so you can change it with another later. Trying different patterns works, if one becomes to complicated and confusing trying a different one, that looks less complicated or fits the scramble much better. Rounding the number to switch with other numbers was the best way to go I used it the whole time even when I was losing or winning.

Anonymous said...

My losing strategy was....just trying really hard!!!

when there was three in order in a row but the first one was out of place, it was like impossible to get the fourth one in there. That's what messed me up!

Anonymous said...

Using the first pattern, I started with 1 and I brought it up to the top row. Then I found the 2 and worked my way up to the top and I placed it right next to the 1. I did the same for the 3. But the 4 was pretty tricky. I began moving everything in the top row just trying to fit it in. After many tries, I got it in. I did the same thing row after row and then I finally finished, the whole puzzle was completed and I was happy.

Anonymous said...


The fifteen puzzle game does have a strategy to it, I find it help to hit the “Scramble button until the 1 is in the top left corner, then move the square up to the top and move the number squares in a circle.

One example of a strategy is: if you want a number to move diagonally to the right and up one space (this is if the “moving” square is in the position you want the number to move into)

You can move the right number up,
Your number to the right.
The number diagonally up (left) from your number down.
The number above your number to the left (at this point the free space or “movement square” should be above your number) then move your number up

The losing strategy would have to be simply just randomly clicking (it tends to get you no were)

Anonymous said...

I was just clicking random numbers and trying to get them in place. I had about 7 of the numbers right but had to move them to get other numbers in place. This game is hard to win. I couldn’t keep the same numbers in place. They had to be moved for other numbers to be moved.

Anonymous said...


My most unfortunate losing strategy was sort of clicking boxes and praying they would they would go where they needed, and it almost worked, but sadly, I couldn’t switch my 7 and 15 without just about butchering the rest of the puzzle  so I failed at it. I did eventually discover a pattern- but eventually it just stuck me in the same spot, only I have to switch 6 and 12. Grr.

Anonymous said...

P. 2
As I was playing the fifteen puzzle game, I figured out it was very hard to win. I didn’t win once, but I came close and had to stop. I didn’t really have any strategies except losing strategies. I found out that if you kept making the numbers go in a circle, you could one individual number where you want it. I found that it is difficult to get a number into a corner that way.

Anonymous said...


I hade a losing strategy for the fifteen puzzle game. I first put the number one in the correct spot. This is just about the only thing that worked. I then kept moving numbers until I had the right number in the right spot. I almost had it finished when I couldn’t figure out how to get the last three numbers into the right places. It looked like this:

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
15 13 14

I got aggravated and then hit the scramble button….

Anonymous said...

Write Up

This is a game where you can’t loose. You can only loose if you give up. So if you want to win, keep trying and you will eventually come up with a strategy to win. To win, look for my winning strategies.

First, to win the game, you can’t give up on the game. My strategy for this game is to try to get the top row first. Doing this is really easy. After this just get the next row and the next row. Each time it will get harder. Once you get the row perfect, don’t mess with it. At the bottom two rows you will have to mess around with the numbers for a few minuets. At this point don’t give up and you will eventually win.

Anonymous said...


For the fifteen puzzle, it was very complicated and long. You have to line the numbers up one by one, slowly moving pieces to the open spot to have an open space to replace the wrong parts and slowly but surely get the puzzle done by rotating the shapes and replacing it with another shape from the left.